Goodbye, Cherry Punch
Cultiva is saying goodbye and thank you to their first-ever Cultiva strain: Cherry Punch.
Cherry Punch will be discontinued in mid-August.
This incredible strain set the standard for all that followed, blending the classic charm of AK47 with modern breeding precision. Cherry Punch stood as a testament to quality and tradition, bridging OG Kush with contemporary excellence.
Cherry Punch will leave an enduring legacy and pave the way for exciting new strains.
Why is Cherry Punch leaving?
Cultiva prioritises strain innovation to ensure the best therapeutic options are always available in the Australian market. Cultiva believes in rotating strains to respond to the evolving needs of patients.
Cherry Punch has served patients well, but it's time for us to make room for new strains that will provide fresh benefits and meet the latest therapeutic demands. This approach allows Cultiva to stay at the forefront of medicinal cannabis and deliver the highest quality care.
Cherry Punch Alternatives Made Simple
To help with this transition, the below table has been compiled with a detailed breakdown of alternative strains and their therapeutic effects: